Friday, June 4, 2010

Technology Forecasts by: Annie Jane Nutt the Occasional Psychic

Today, we are doing technology forecasts. Augmented reality is making a small splash above of a tsunami that will eventually occur. Nanomachines will cure most diseases, and then all of them. Houses will be made out of organic materials, such as sod, along with titanium, food will be grown on top of houses, and the dome houses will really catch on, as the base to grow all of this stuff and live in. Solar technology will move into space, which will beam energy down to houses through satellite receivers (like the Direct TV dish). This dish will also be on cars, which can receive satellite solar energy transferred from one of many satellites, as to not be affected by the night. The gas industry will tank, and will be quickly replaced (with the same people) by the satellite receiver station industry, and the convenience store industries.