Monday, January 24, 2011

Swag for the LAN

I just finished the stuff for Tech-Node's upcoming LAN.  If you wanna get your hands on this sweet swag you'll need to show up...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ordered Stepper Motors for Prusa Mendel SAE build.

I've been pretty busy recently with trying to gather all of the parts for my Imperial Prusa Build.  I went with this model partly because of the low cost and partly because the word "Imperial" makes me think of Darth Vadar...
Anyway I ordered four of these steppers for 10 dollars apiece. As well as one of these bad boys for 20 dollars.  I plan to use that last one on the extruder for precise control and feedback of the extrusion process.  I've finished printing all of the plastic parts (minus the brushings). They were printed on my UP.  One thing I like about having to print at 270C on the UP is that it means that  parts you make for other printers are that much more robust, temperature wise. Printing with  abs on a Mendel or Makerbot takes place at around 220C  So UP printed part have about 30 degrees more before they begin to get soft.  This makes the UP a good choice for printing extruder parts.  At about the third plate of the print I switched to printing on perfboard.  That completely removed any warping issues I had. Now all of my parts are perfect. I love it so much that I plan on not even having a heated build surface on the mendel and just use a large perfboard. I'll have to wait to buy the electronics and hotend for a bit (I do have a contest to fund after all ;-)   ) but I'll be finishing it in pretty soon.